Paweł Prokop No logs - No issue!
[section::general info]
:name:pawel prokop
:location:cracow, poland
:hobby:programming, aquaristic, guitar playing
:education:IT engineer
:profession:programmer, network administrator
:current employer: Transporeon (as Software Developer)
:previous employers: Motorola (as Senior Software Engineer/Technical Lead)
AdFinem (as Owner :) )
Autodesk (as Software Engineer)
University of Economics (as network administrator)
:points of interest:network security, open source software, aquaristic, music
qlbar-0.2.4 Linux QLBar is a Toolbar gadget for X11 that contains icons and allows to launch associated applications quickly.
2009-2010 PyBillingCounter-1.6 Linux Small application to generate billing reports from Alcatel 4400 system logs.
Menago 3.0 JavaAdFinem New release of Menago.
Client-server application designed for Leroy Merlin Polska Sp. z o.o. to support transport planning for their customers. Menago helps transport companies to use their resources better, increase volume of cargo delivered in the same time with reduced costs, find best delivery termin and merge transports.
26-01-2008 AwizoNet w3AdFinem Suppliers delivery time management system designed for Leroy Merlin as a part of Suppliers Portal.
February 2007
(December 1997)
plconv-1.1.5 Linux New release of plconv - small application that converts text files between several polish local character encoding standards.
21-10-2006 jdox plugin VIM plugin that generates javadoc compatibile comments for c++ function definitions
06-08-2006 LMAlert JavaAdFinem Application realizes management of hipermarket's personel contacts with their suppliers. Application designed for Leroy Merlin Poland.
01-06-2006 LMDetal-1.3 JavaAdFinem Data warehouse with graphics user interface writen in Java/SWT. This is next application developed for Leroy Merlin Poland.
PrintExpander 1.2 Win32AdFinem New release of PrintExpander
It's a commercial application that allows recount of printing process steps and elements.
spring 2005 w3AdFinem Management of creation web site with CMS for
spring 2005 w3AdFinem Site engine for Altus
January 2004 Ad CMS w3AdFinem Content Management System
03-01-2003 nnlib Linux Neural network library used to create software, that uses linear neural networks.
December 2002 ltcc-1.0.4 Linux Local tcp control center is a tool designed to reset incoming/outgoing tcp connections on LAN. It's usefull when you do not have root access on gateway for your local network and you need to limit some users network activity.
April 2002 ARTus Win32 Small commercial application designed for financial market to automatize loan granting.
March 2002 antyspam-1.07 Linux Antyspam rules based on procmail system, designed for UNIX.
December 2001 SkyChat JavaLinux This is chat system working as java applet (client written in Java), console application (client written in C++) and server written in C++
May 2001 e-shop w3 Commercial solution for hosting companies - engine of the e-shop
January 2001 Kadry w3 Web system to manage contact informations about University of Economics employees. User and admin interface.
12-28-2000 LinuxWorm Linux Simple game for console, based on libncurses
March 2000 PassMake Linux Console utility that helps to generate passwords.
09-15-2000 PingLabs Linux Utility that checks activity of computers in labolatories of UOO on University of Economics, and visualizes all labs to screen.
Spring 2000 SADSI w3 System for administration of data flow in School of IT written for graduate exam during studies in PSI at Unviersity of Economics.
Autumn 1999 Anim_demo DOS Simple graphics demo of a guy that is animated on the screen and steering by cursors.
1996 - 1998 CD player/recorder DOS Two applications for DOS and later for MS Windows with nice interface designed to play, and record data from audio CD's.
1996/1997 Virii DOS Very small (only 32 bytes), trival virus that infects *.com files in current directory - in DOS environment.
February 1997 Arcanoid DOS Standard idea taken from old 8bit microcomputers for nice graphics game.
Linuxfor linux Win32for windows Javain java w3web application DOSfor DOS AdFinemdeveloped by AdFinem team. pluginplugin
[section::white papers]
django_pyjamas.pdf Django and Pyjamas as an alternative way to webapps
Jemmy testing framework tutorial. Introduction to automatic tests of Java GUI application (Swing/AWT)
And some sample and tutorial files. (project for Netbeans 6.8)
tcpip.pdf tcpip.psSecurity thesis of TCP/IP and IPSec (Engeneer Graduate work May 2005)
praca.pdf praca.psSADSI documentation (PSI Graduate work June 2000)
NFS and SSHFS speed benchmark - copying files to/from mounted remote directory - speed performance benchmark.
using Canon a610
"Neighbours" Neighbours
"Aqua" Nevermind, Water World
"Copters!" Copters!
"Dogs of war!" Dogs of war don't negotiate...
"The world of magnets, mirracles" The grass was greener...
using Zenit TTL or Zenit 11
"Big city, big city nights!" Photos that were shot under night cover, most in Cracow.
"Black hole sun..." Sunsets, eclipse.
"Ride the lightning..." One photo of lightning, made in 2001 in NH.
"Savage Garden..." Flowers, plants, and other natural stuff.
"Pablo's psychadelic breakfast..." Some shots of our food during Slovakia '00 trip.
"Industrium" Kraftwerk '03
"Kingsajz" So we're now in kingsize. '02
"Castles" Castles '01
http://www.ipsec.plOchrona danych i bezpieczeństwo sieci
http://www.securityfocus.comSecurity focus
http://www.linuxsecurity.comLinux Security
http://www.osvdb.orgOpen Source Vulnerability DataBase
http://ussrback.comUnderground Security Systems Research
____Programming____ Patterns for American National Standard for Information Systems - Programming Language - C documentation
http://www.4programmers.net4 Programmers version 2.6.3 class reference php manual docs Netwide Assembler: NASM Templates Library - table of contents
http://mathworld.wolfram.comMathworld - mathematics resource
____Linux____ kernel map Tutorials
http://www.slackwiki.orgSlackware wiki
http://www.linuxpackages.netLots of packages for slackware.
http://www.slackware.netSlackware official site.
http://kernelbook.sourceforge.netKernel book
http://www.linuxforum.comlinux forum to zrobić
http://developer.berlios.deBerliOS Developer - Fostering Open Source Developer
http://www.osdata.comOperating Systems Technical Comparison
http://www.chords.plGuitar chords Floyd guitar tabs
http://metaltabs.comSource of metal tabs
http://skowro.netSkowroNet Movie DataBase
http://www.imsdb.comInternet Movie Scripts DataBase
[section::this is the end]
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If you'd like to send any comment or contact me, please send a mail to: pablo [at] wizard [dot] ae [dot] krakow [dot] pl
Copyright © 1996-2008 Paweł Prokop
Last update:2008-01-28